cloaks Represent the Issues that people find difficult to face, Which they keep Cloaked in their unconscious. Issues that are seemingly hidden but yet still so omnipresent in their lives.

mirrors represent the Metaphorical mirror that the psychologist hold in therapy to help people see their blindspots and what Lies beneath the surface. It also alludes to Foulke’s concept of the hall of mirrors, whereby People see reflections of Themselves in others.

Collectively, Cloaks and Mirrors encapsulates Your whole experience of psychotherapy.

Come in Good. Leave Better.

Comes from the LAtin Epigram ‘Bonus Intra, Melior Exi’ Symbolising our belief in the inherent abilities Within our clients and their potential to Find peace.

Therapy is not about fixing a person. it is about Awakening their abilities. Abilities that have already been present Within.

Our Client Reviews and Testimonials

Following the Code of ethics of the American Psychological Association and the Singapore Psychological Society, we do not solicit for testimonials from our Clients. While Commonly practiced, the soliciting of testimonials is an unethical Practice as A client is vuLnerable to undue influence, due to the inherent power differential between a Psychologist and a CLient.

Dr. Roy Chan, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, FOUNDER

Dr. Roy Realised his vision of Creating Cloaks and Mirrors after working with the local and expatriate community in private practice in both singapore and Hong Kong. He obtained his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and his Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology, and his Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Psychology from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.

Dr. Roy works with individuals and professionals on love, sex and relationships, anger, and intense emotions. While also trained in CBT and family therapy, he prefers to adopt a psychodynamic orientation towards individual and group therapy. He helps individuals understand how their underlying thoughts and relational patterns hold influence over their current situation, with the aim of guiding them back to balanced mental states. Ever comfortable with working with different cultures, he taught himself Cantonese to a level that allows him to conduct therapy in the language whilst in Hong Kong. 
Dr. Roy is a UK registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC), a member of the American Psychological Association, Singapore registered psychologist (SRP) with the Singapore Psychological Society and a registered clinical psychologist with the Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology. To give back to the community, Dr. Roy volunteers mental health support to different charities, schools and social welfare groups.
Dr. Roy is a regular speaker on emotional regulation, conflict management and mental well being at various schools and corporations. Topics that he has provided psychoeducation on include anxiety, procrastination, intergenerational conflict, and apathy. He has spoken at Goldman Sachs, Absolute Boutique Fitness, AXA, Deloitte, Macquarie and Dentsu. He started his career as an autism therapist at a special needs school in Singapore and his doctoral dissertation titled the Cultural Narratives Behind Parental Choice of Treatment for their Child with ASD was presented at the 2019 Asia Pacific Autism Conference. His latest conference presentation is at the 2023 National Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference where he speaks about dysfunction in families. He is available for speaking engagements; consultation; adult, couples, and group psychotherapy; and training in English and Cantonese.

Aarthi Subash counsellor cloaks and mirrors

Aarthi Subash, M.A.

australian Trained, Registered Counsellor

Aarthi Is australian Trained and holds a Master of Counselling and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She is a registered Counsellor with the Singapore Association of Counselling. Ever striving to further hone her skills, She has completed advanced clinical training in Attachment-focused Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (AF-EMDR), And she is Currently attending ongoing training in somatic experiencing.

Trained at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, Aarthi employs a multifaceted approach to healing, integrating embodied movement classes aimed at stress and tension relief through self-regulation and heightened body awareness. These sessions serve as transformative journeys, empowering individuals to embark on a path toward self-discovery, resilience, and holistic well-being. While trained in trauma-based therapies, Aarthi adopts a humanistic-existential approach which is based on the belief that individuals have the capacity for self-awareness and choice. Aarthi is committed to guiding her clients to express themselves freely, help them make authentic decisions, and discover a truly responsible way of dealing with life and the world.
Previously based in Brisbane, Australia, Aarthi started her career at a mental health and family well-being organization, offering tailored counselling services for individuals, couples, and families and facilitated group sessions aimed at nurturing stronger bonds, fostering resilience, and enhancing communication skills within multicultural contexts. Notably, she spearheaded a focus group initiative, collaborating with fellow counsellors to strengthen parent-child relationships, and promoting emotional well-being within families. A pivotal aspect of Aarthi's journey unfolded within the educational landscape of Singapore, where she provided counselling support for at-risk students with social-emotional needs and mental health issues in secondary schools, focused on empowering students to develop healthy identities, navigate intense emotions, and cultivate positive relationships. At the National University of Singapore (NUS), Aarthi delved into clinical work, offering comprehensive support to local and international university students grappling with a spectrum of psychosocial challenges. Managing issues like depression, anxiety, fear, perfectionism, and self-worth, Aarthi's therapeutic interventions fostered resilience and empowerment to navigate the complexities of daily living. In addition as a Senior counsellor, she played a pivotal role in addressing mental health crises and conducting group training sessions for NUS students and staff. Aarthi is available for individual counselling in English.

Heather Murillo
Life Coach

International Coaching Federation accredited Life Coach

Heather completed her life coaching certification under the ICF accredited, Inner Glow Circle, school of training. She holds a BAchelor of Science in chemistry from the University of Redlands, a California State Teaching Credential in chemistry, and a Masters Degree in Educational Technology. She is also a certified yoga instructor and holds a RYT 200 certification.

Heather started her career as a public school teacher in 2007. Through teaching, Heather discovered the power of helping students unlock their own potential and she craved to take that impact farther. From there, she became yoga certified and coached yoga students to empower themselves through movement and health. For almost a decade, Heather witnessed the transformative power of movement, breathwork, and meditation. However, she still felt as if something was missing. In 2023 she began life coach training to fill the gaps she felt were present in both school teaching and yoga instruction. 

Through life coaching, Heather is finally able to make the positive impact that she has been craving. She is able to coach clients to stop playing small and reach their highest potential in their careers, relationships, wellness, and beyond. Her greatest joy is witnessing clients abandon old mindsets that were keeping them stuck and unhappy and build the confidence needed to enjoy their lives right now.
Heather loves to serve entrepreneurs and dreamers. These are people that have big ideas, visions, and dreams, but at first, might feel overwhelmed or even paralyzed by them. They may even have so many ideas they don’t know where to begin. Heather helps them clarify their vision, set priorities, and get to work. When they finish working with her, they have tools, strategies, and structures in place to ensure they continue to make progress towards their larger vision. 

Heather believes that all people have the innate ability to make their dreams a reality. Sometimes, they just need a partner to unlock those parts of themselves and to hold them accountable. 

Ideal Client

"My ideal client is someone that is self-aware and open to exploring new mindsets and practices. I tend to work with fledgling entrepreneurs. These are clients that have had a dream of starting a business for some time, but have been held back by lack of confidence and fear. I love to work with these clients and tend to see good results quickly. However, I am open to working with clients that would like to work on other areas of life as well, such as; establishing a healthy lifestyle, improving communication within relationships, and building personal confidence."